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Do I need to filter out events outside datarange shown in DayPilotScheduler?

Asked by John
15 years ago.


I've got SQLdatasource as a source to a DayPilotScheduler. At the moment the Datasource returns all events.

Do I need to put in a WHERE statement on the Procedure the DS uses to just return bookings on the dates shown on the scheduler or does the Scheduler handle this?

If I have to do it, whats the best way to do it?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
You definitely should limit the result set. All the events are sent to the client during initial page loading and during subsequent CallBack (and PostBacks, of course). In addition, all the events are also stored in the ViewState unless you have turned it off for the control.

You should check the following topic:
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