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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null when dynamicLoading is enabled and no cells are visible

Asked by Gen25
5 years ago.

After upgrading from 2019.2.3832 to 2019.4.4073

When a DayPilot Scheduler has no visible time cells either because days has been set to 0 or args.cell.visible has been set to false in onIncludeTimeCell. Calling getViewPort() results in a console error.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null
at DayPilot.Scheduler.Si (daypilot-all.min.js:25)
at DayPilot.Scheduler.getViewPort (daypilot-all.min.js:25)

This is currently happening on our calendars where dynamic loading is enabled and only cells are shown where events are present. No cells are shown when the calendar first loads the dynamic events and when constructing the args object DayPilot calls getViewPort resulting in the above error.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4122):

Please let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by Gen25
5 years ago.

Thanks for the quick response Dan! We will let you know if the issue is solved.

Comment posted by Gen25
5 years ago.

Hi Dan, we can confirm that this has fixed the issue. When can this be released in a non-sandbox version?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

Great, thanks for the update! The next release is scheduler for December 15, 2019.

Comment posted by Gen25
5 years ago.

Awesome, thanks!

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