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<%@ Register Assembly="DayPilot" Namespace="DayPilot.Web.Ui" TagPrefix="DayPilot" %>

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.
I copied all files of Demo into my web site's folder. When I try to view the default file I am getting an error like this-
<%@ Register Assembly="DayPilot" Namespace="DayPilot.Web.Ui" TagPrefix="DayPilot" %>

Any help?
Comment posted by Jeff Piper
15 years ago.

If you are running VS and have your projects on a server share like me(My Docs resides on a server share on the network) you will just need to make sure the daypilot.dll is added to your GAC and all will be good. Also, make sure all references to the dll are properly set up in VS.

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