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Adding, deleting events does not change the Navigator highlighting

Asked by Jeff Kurzner
5 years ago.

When I add a new event using the client-side onTimeRangeSelected function or when I delete an event using onEventDeleted, the three-month navigation calendar does not get updated. Is there a nav function that needs to be called as a part of the add or delete that I am missing?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The navigator can be refreshed by calling update():

If the Navigator doesn't share the data array ( with the Scheduler it's necessary to update the data as well.

Comment posted by Jeff Kurzner
5 years ago.

How do you get the navigator to share the data? I tried calling the Nav update at the end of the range add and it still doesn't update the display?

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