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Floating Events doesn't work

Asked by Benny Luz
4 years ago.


I'm trying to activate "Floating Events" for my Vue-Scheduler. Therefor I added the following line to the config:
floatingEvents: true

Unfortunately the arrows do not appear. The events have the class *_continueleft, but *_float_inner is missing. What else is precondition in the config?

My config is appended (it is part of computed).

Kind regards
Benny Luz

Comment posted by Benny Luz
4 years ago.

My dependency in package.json:
"daypilot-pro-vue": "",

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

The floating events are enabled by default. It works as follows:

1. Events that start before startDate will have *_event_continueleft class. This doesn't change with scrolling.

2. The float div (marked with *_event_float) is added to events that start before the current viewport, but only if the scrollbar position is greater than 0. If you scroll back so that the event is fully visible in the current viewport or if the scrollbar position is 0, the float event is removed.

So you might want to define styles for *_event_continueleft to indicate that the event starts before startDate.

Please let me know if it doesn't work as expected.

Comment posted by Benny Luz
4 years ago.

I'm using autoWidth for the cells, so most of the time there is no scrollbar.

The indicating arrow appears when I set a high cell width. My mistake was to assume that the arrow would also appear for the first case (event starts before and scrollposition is 0). I understand that floating events is not meant for my usecase. So I will code something using the class *_event_continueleft.

Thanks for the explanation!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Thanks for the update, Benny!

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