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Update certain columns of the resources

Asked by Anonymous
4 years ago.

I'm using the scheduler as a time report board, where the users can report their absences or working time on projects. After entering, changing or deleting a time amount in any day, the total will be calculated per each project or absence type and then the total for all projects or absences will be calculated too. Both totals will be shown in a column of a resource. Please see also the attached screenshot.

Theses totals are calculated in the event onEventEdited. I update the resources by calling this method:

this.scheduler.control.update({ resources: this.resources });

This call leads to a poor performance, because I'm updating all resources and it seems that this leads to a new complete rendering of the scheduler.

So my question is, if there is a way to update just certain columns of the resources. The resources stay always the same. I don't add or remove any resource during the calculation of these totals.

Best regards

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

1. You can update a single row using rows.update():

2. It's also possible to change HTML of a specific row header column directly using DayPilot.Rows.columns().html().

However, I don't recommend using the direct access unless absolutely necessary as it bypasses the data/view synchronization mechanism.

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