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Blank gap in printable version

Asked by William
3 years ago.


I have coded my calendar and I need to make it printable to deliver it to our students, but when I print it the pdf files comes out with a blank gap between hour 9 and 10.

Open the attachment and you will see it yourself.

I have tried with different browsers and it gives the same result.

Is there a reason? How can I fix it please?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

Browsers try to simplify the output during printing which makes the result unreliable. However, the Calendar is able to export an image which you can insert into a PDF file. Please see the following tutorial:

Comment posted by William
3 years ago.

Thanks so much, is solution only for Pro or also Lite versions?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.


The image export is only available in the Pro version.

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