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ScrollPositionHour Not Working in IE7

Asked by Ben
15 years ago.


I am trying to set the ScrollPositionHour inthe DayPilotCalendar control to 8, however it doesn't work in IE7. I have tried it in Firefox and it works ok. Is there a way around this in IE7?


Comment posted by Ben
15 years ago.

I've downloaded 4.9 SP3 and the calendar scrollbar now scrolls down to the current time. However, ScrollPositionHour still doesn't allow me to set the specific position of the scrollbar.

Is there anything else I can try to set it manually?

Many thanks.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

It works the following way (DayPilotCalendar):

  • ScrollPositionHour works for the initial page load only.
  • During callbacks and postbacks, the current position is always retained.
  • During callbacks and postbacks, the current scroll position is not mapped back into ScrollPositionHour (the scale is not fine enough).
  • If you want to change the scroll position manually, you can use dpc.$("scroll").scrollTop = '10px' (where "dpc" is the value of ClientObjectName). This is however a nonstandard operation and it may be changed in a future release.
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