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Are we able to change the bar width?

Asked by JC
2 years ago.

Take this code:
if (args.e.type == "pending") {
args.e.barColor = "#c5003b";
args.e.barBackColor = "#c5003b";
We need to change the that appears on the left to be a bit wider. ie. something like
args.e.barWidth = "12px";

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You can change the bar width using CSS:

.wider-bar .calendar_default_event_bar,
.wider-bar .calendar_default_event_bar_inner {
  width: 12px;

And add the "wider-bar" CSS class to the event:

dp.onBeforeEventRender = args => {
  if (args.e.type == "pending") {
    // ... = "wider-bar";
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