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Line for actual time

Asked by Stefan Lederer
16 years ago.


Is it possible to show a line for the actual time in the scheduler control?



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Yes. You should take a look at Separators property.

It's a collection of separators - 1px lines that are drawn at specified times (Separator.Location) with specified colors (Separator.Color).

An example can be found in Demo/Scheduler/Default.aspx:

<DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler ID="DayPilotScheduler1" runat="server" ... >
    <DayPilot:Separator Color="green" Location="02/01/2008 12:00:00" />
    <DayPilot:Separator Color="green" Location="02/03/2008 12:00:00" />
    <DayPilot:Separator Color="red" Location="02/02/2008 00:00:00" />
Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.

Is there a similar feature for the calendar control?

This would be very useful as a temporary measure until "(F81) Both horizontal and vertical scrollbars (at this moment only vertical scrollbar is available)." is complete.

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