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Calendar component renders "12AM" in all rows in resources mode

Asked by Anonymous
12 months ago.

I have a React application and I'm using the last version of Daypilot pro, the issue is, when I test it on my local environment, it renders well, I have all 24 hours as business hours, but when I build the project, the calendar renders all 24 rows but all of them are "12AM", there is not any error in console, I don't know how to proceed to fix that

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

I haven't seen this problem before. Unless you are doing something special on onBeforeHourRender, it will be a problem with the compilation/minification performed by your version of React. React 15 was released more than 7 years ago and it's now out of support. So I would consider switching to the current React version.

FYI, the first React version we tested against was React 16.

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