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Remove non business hours

Asked by Carlos
7 months ago.

My business starts at 8am and ends at 19pm
How can I remove/hide all non business hours? The scrolll is just anoying.
I want ONLY to view from 8am to 19pm…. without see all hours after 19pm and before 8am.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

In the Scheduler component, you can hide the non-business hours using the showNonBusiness property.

In the Calendar component, you can hide the non-business hours using the heightSpec property ("BusinessHoursNoScroll") or you can use the dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour properties (see also business hours for more details).

Comment posted by Carlos
7 months ago.

That worked…
Thank you!!!

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