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Custom onTimeRangeSelecting Start and End selection

Asked by Albert Serres
1 year ago.

My events always starts at 13PM and finishes on 11 AM (Image attached).

The problem comes when I try to customize the timerangeselection with start and end to match this behavior. It fills the entire cell and fails because allowEventOverlap = false (Image attached) .

I’ve tried with the following code, but got no luck. Any workaround?

onTimeRangeSelecting: function (args) {
    args.start = args.start.addHours(13)
    args.end = args.end.addHours(-13)
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

This happens because snap-to-grid is turned on. You will need to turn it off, at least for the time range selection.

There is a tutorial that shows how to customize the time range selection in real time:

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