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Autoscroll not working on touch devices.

Asked by Anonymous
4 months ago.

As title says, quite a big issues. It works when i click but then it stops working.

Comment posted by Anonymous
4 months ago.

any news for this?

Comment posted by Anonymous
4 months ago.

any news? I’ve paid 600$ for the license, i’d expect a response in 5 days.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

Sorry for the delay!

Which component do you mean? I don’t see any problem in the Scheduler, in the Calendar the autoscroll is not supported on touch devices at the moment.

Comment posted by Anonymous
3 months ago.

I need it on the calendar…

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

OK, thanks for the update.

I’ve added it to the wishlist.

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