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ExcelJS is not an optional property in the scheduler config

Asked by Anonymous
6 days ago.

Installing the latest release 2025.1.6427 I got errors saying the property “exceljs” is missing and is required for the scheduler config. I see this has been added two releases before this one.

This also gives an error when I call the API to update resources and events saying the “exceljs” property is missing. In the type it’s simply annotated with “any” but this isn’t optional. Having to always add “exceljs” property seems incorrect to me.

Using Angular, this line of code (which is what the documentation suggests to use for better performance), now gives an error:

this.scheduler.control.update({ resources: resources });

Argument of type '{ resources: DayPilot.ResourceData[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SchedulerConfig'.
Property 'exceljs' is missing in type '{ resources: DayPilot.ResourceData[]; }' but required in type 'SchedulerConfig'

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 days ago.

Thanks for reporting the problem.

This issue has been fixed in a special release (2025.1.6429), which is now available.

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