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DateTime issue in EventMove

Asked by Andreas
15 years ago.


I want the NewStart and NewEnd to be like 09:30:00 and 10:00:00 when dropping the event (like in EventResize). Currently I'm getting the correct hour but minutes and seconds are the same as current time (ie 09:36:15).

Don't know if I'm missing some settings here?! There are plenty :-)



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Weird thing.

During resize, the dragged end is always aligned with the background time cell. That is, you should never get 09:36:10 if you CellDuration is 30.

During move, the actual offset from the cell start is respected. E.g. and event starting at 09:10 will have NewStart of 10:10 when dragged to 10:00 cell (with CellDuration="30"). If you want to force the events to be aligned with cells you need to adjust the event start in the DB or after it has been moved.

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