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Disable the clicks

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.

How can I disable the eventclicks and the clicks in the free area in the DayPilotLite-Scheduler?
The Scheduler is only for viewing.

Comment posted by Random Dude with a Big Red Nose and a Tophat. (now with rubber gloves)
14 years ago.
Just don't allow any events on the clicks.
Answer posted by Anonymous
14 years ago.

putthebelow codein the page_load() and try...

Schedular.FreeTimeClickHandling = DayPilot.Web.Ui.UserActionHandling.PostBack
Schedular.EventClickHandling = DayPilot.Web.Ui.UserActionHandling.PostBack

Comment posted by Anonymous
13 years ago.

Thank you this was very helpful. I was wondering why I couldn't get both the EventClick or FreeTimeClick events to work, and this exactly rectified the issue for me. I stumbled across this, after I simply wanted to just block the JS dialog box from displaying, and voila, it solved both of my issues.

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