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remember my Scroll Position

Asked by lmac34
13 years ago.

Hi All,

Im trying to store the DayPilotScheduler.ViewPort.Start in a view state so that if a post back happens i can set the SetScrollX position on the page load event.

i have tried adding an onscroll event but its not firing.

protected void DayPilotScheduler1_Scroll(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.ScrollEventArgs e)
DateTime scrollDate = DayPilotScheduler1.ViewPort.Start;
ScrollPos = scrollDate;

Any help or ideas would be must welcome.

Comment posted by lmac34
13 years ago.

No replys?

I am really asking here, is there a way i can set the calendar to view a particular date? without changing the start date.
So change the scroll postion to a date.
I have tried using both
DayPilotScheduler1.ScrollX = ScrollxPos;
Put the calendar just refreshes back to todays date.

Comment posted by farchi
13 years ago.

we've got the same problem!

we need to store the position of the srollbar to bypass the effect of postbackwhose reinialize the scheduler but unfortunately the"onscroll event" not firing.

it's very contraignant when you add an event on aressource at then end of the listand the scollbarraise on each postback.

hoping a solution

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