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Event bubble missing - Event Calendar javascript

Asked by RajeshBoora
9 years ago.

I'm working on the Daypilot event calendar control- v1531.
I'm setting the bubbleHtml in onBeforeEventRender() method but the event bubble is missing.

Please find the fiddle below:

Please help in solving this issue.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

There are three problems with the fiddle:

1. You need to add bubble property to the config:

 bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble(),

2. Don't call .init() if you are using the jQuery plugin. The .init() method is called by the plugin. All subsequent calls are ignored (and changes are not applied). Add all properties and event handlers to the config object:

    var dps = $('#ApptBookContentPartialView').daypilotCalendar({
      // ...
      bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble(),
      onBeforeEventRender: function(args) {
        args.e.bubbleHtml = "Additional information for: " + args.e.text;
        args.e.html = "New Event";

3. heightSpec = "Auto" is invalid for the calendar. See this page for supported values:

See the updated fiddle here:

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