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integrating the daypilot calendar with may controller/view

Asked by Danilo Bicas
8 years ago.

I now that my @Html.DayPilotCalendar("dpc", DayPilotCalendarConfig)..... is in my view... Ok
But I'd like to put a textboxfor to search for a name or a dropdownlistfor to choose all events of a only user of my system... How I pass the value of this "controls" to my controller? Or to my dpc class to filtering my events and return only what I want to may dpc/view? And how I store this filtering when the navigate to previous e next dates and the filtering keep active?

Did you understand? Please... do not swear at me. kkk

Sorry about my poor english

Daypilot is very good.... keep carry on.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

In the Pro version, there is a ClientState property that will hold and persists such data (such as filter parameters) and pass them to the server side with every callback:

In the Lite version you will have to store it in a special JavaScript variable and send this value with every callback. E.g.

var filter = { search: "mytext"};
dp.commandCallBack('refresh', filter);
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