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Display Tooltip

Asked by Mike Lockwood
7 years ago.

I am wondering how to get the tooltip to showup for events. I have the property ShowToolTip = True but still nothing is displayed when I mouse over an event.

Comment posted by Robert
7 years ago.

In the dayPilot Calendar javascript open source version, in order to get a tooltip I did patch the code like this
the patched file is : js/daypilot/src/daypilot-calendar.src.js

look in the source code after the following function:
this._drawEvent = function(e) {

then find the place where the inner Div is created :
var inner = document.createElement("div");
inner.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
inner.className = calendar._prefixCssClass("_event_inner");
inner.innerHTML = e.client.html();

// Robert - 11 May 2016 - event tool tip
if (( instanceof DayPilot.Date) && ( instanceof DayPilot.Date)) {
// dont use the toolTip content which might be not pure ASCII
inner.title = + ' - ' +;

Answer posted by Luke
7 years ago.

This solutions works w/ the API.

this._drawEvent = function(e) {


var inner = document.createElement("div");
inner.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
inner.className = calendar._prefixCssClass("_event_inner");
inner.innerHTML = e.client.html();
inner.title = e.client.toolTip();

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