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Drag and select default (without holding shift key)

Asked by Henry
5 years ago.

Is there any way we can set the default behaviour if you click and drag in a blank area (i.e. no event) to be to start the free multiselect? We don't want to have to explain to our users to they'll have to hold down the shift key to initiate it.

We're not using the drag to create event option, just fyi.

Sorry for all the questions... don't worry, we're going to buy a license this week. :) You have a great product!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

You can change the behavior using onGridMouseDown event handler:

dp.onGridMouseDown = function(args) {
  args.action = "RectangleSelect";

Questions are welcome! ;-)

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