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Issues with type definitions

Asked by Jeremy
5 years ago.

I have a project running Angular 6, with daypilot-pro-angular.
I'm having some trouble configuring DayPilot scheduler, especially because of differences between the documentation online, and the type definitions provided by the packaged lib.
Is my version 2018.2.3324 too old?

For example:

It seems quite inconsistent to me.
Can I find the documentation API that matches my exact version somewhere?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

Sometimes, it can happen that the TypeScript definitions are missing a declaration of a specific member, especially if it has been added recently.

Your examples:

1. commandCallBack() method is specific to DayPilot Pro versions with integrated server-side backend (all editions except of DayPilot Pro for JavaScript). It's not included in the JavaScript version intentionally.

2. onRowCreate and onRowCreated event handlers are now included in the TypeScript definitions in the latest build (2018.3.3392). It was missing by accident.

Please let me know if there is any problem.

Comment posted by Jeremy
5 years ago.

Is it published yet?
I have 404 status for 3392.
Currently installed is 3391.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The development builds are only published as a trial version:

The full licensed version will be published as part of the next release.

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