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Some more quick questions

Asked by G Bill
15 years ago.
  1. Is it possible tochange the styleof the day header for today in a week view? e.g. change the css class name.
  2. Is it possible to allow the user to click a day heading in a week view and they'll be taken into the day view for that particular day?
  3. Is it possible to allow a user to "select" a day and then click a "day" link (using javascript:DayPilot.refreshCallBack(null, 1);)?


Answer posted by G Bill
15 years ago.
Sorted number 2 by setting the Days = 1 and the StartDate = e.Date in the HeaderClick event and setting the HeaderClick type ot PostBack. Number 3 isn't important now but I'd still like to be able to do number 1.
Answer posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
1. You should be able to modify the background color and inner HTML using BeforeHeaderRender event handler (look for e.BackgroundColor and e.InnerHTML).

3. You should be able to activate the header using BeforeHeaderRender as well. Example:

 e.InnerHTML = String.Format("<a href='javascript:dpc1.refreshCallBack(new Date(\"{0}\"), 1)'
title='Go to day'>{1}</a>", JsDate.FormatDateTime(e.Date), e.InnerHTML);

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