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Drag and Drop from a TextBox or Label to the Scheduler grid

Asked by Cedric
5 years ago.


I'm trying to drag a text from a Textbox or Label into the scheduler grid. i have followed and implemented this which works fine, however i am trying to applies the same function on <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> .

Can you please help on with this please

Thank you in advance

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

It's possible to activate TextBox and Label controls using DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable().

You just need to target the corresponding DOM elements using JavaScript. For example, the <asp:TextBox> is translated to <input type="text">. I recommend checking the HTML output of the page or using browser developer tools.

Comment posted by Cedric
5 years ago.

thank you, i have already achieved it by putting the asp textbox between the html list tag, but your suggestion is efficient and more reliable and also work great so ill be implementing that way

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