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Navigator - Block navigating to far back

Asked by Guss
15 years ago.

Hi, I have a scheduler and navigator. I do not want users to be able to navigate (using the navigator) backwards (into past) more than 3 months. Like a LowerBound.

Is this possible?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

You can only block it by handling the date click manually:

  1. Use TimeRangeJavaScript and don't do anything if the date is forbidden.
  2. Otherwise fire the calendar update using dpc1.commandCallBack("navigate", { "start" : start, "end": end }).

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the users from seeing the dates back in the navigator or making the old dates look different - unless you dig into the source code.

Comment posted by Bhavesh Patel
14 years ago.

Just wanted to say Thanks to Dan.

I was looking for "dpc1.commandCallBack("navigate", { "start" : start, "end": end }) "code from last few hours. How to pass start & end parameter to commandCallBack event of TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript of Navigator.

Dan, do you have any documentation or example of above kind of thing? I tried to find it in DayPilotSDK examples and I couldn't find any example of Navigator with TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript. If you have any then please provide me link.


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