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Set startDate and selectionStart on Navigator

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.

I use several buttons to jump to predefined dates in calendar. This can be done using dpc1.commandCallBack('command', date);. Unfortunately, the Navigator does not reflect the changes in calendar. How can I set startDate and selectionStart in Navigator (on client side or from the commandCallBack in code behind)?

I tried the following (javascript):

dpn1.startDate = new Date();
dpn1.selectionStart = new Date();

This doesn't work. May be I'm completely wrong.
Also i could not find any documentation on the navigator client side api.

Any hints on this?

Comment posted by Anonymous
13 years ago.

I got the same issue.
How do we update the navigator?

Comment posted by brandon
12 years ago.

This is how my navigator functions as well. The navigator still works as it should but it just displays incorrect selected/highlighted weeks and/or days. You could even be looking at a different month but as long as you got there without using the navigator the navigator isn't really aware of the change.

Comment posted by Anonymous
12 years ago.

I had the same issue & figured it out, call;

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