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Javascript error in v5.9 SP2 Calendar

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.


We've just attempted to upgrade from v5.8.1968.0 to v5.9.2029, but have had to rollback. In the new version, whenever we select a menu item in a DayPilotMenu we get a javascript error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: '$F' is undefined.

If I debug, it takes me to the following line: $E.push(this.getNodeState($F[i]))

The DayPilotMenu is attached to a DayPilotCalendar (bug occurs in several different menus, attached to events and time ranges), the calendar is within an UpdatePanel and the menu item actions are Postback (the postback doesn't occur).

It works correctly using v5.8.1968.0, so I think it must be a bug in the new version.



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Hi Laura,

There was a typo on that line. It's been fixed in build 2031. You can download the latest build in the sandbox. The fix will also be included in the next release (5.9 SP3).

Thanks for reporting the issue!

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