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Day Pilot Help -- Always directs me to todays date.

Asked by Anonymous
13 years ago.


I'm using the Day Pilot Scheduler and I have a problem. I have three aspx pages (Scheduler, NewEvent, EditEvent). When I load the app. It takes me to the current day (5/28/2010). Which it should. And If I go forward or backwards a day or week or month. I click onan event that is thereand the EditEvent page comes up. I edit the field and hit update button. And I want it to keep me on that day, but it always takes me back to 5/28/2010.

I thought this piece of code was holding the Start Date in the Scheduler page_load ; but it doesn't really do anything:

dps.StartDate = DateTime.Today;

Here is the update button:

protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int ScheduleID = (int.Parse(Session["ScheduleID"].ToString()));
DateTime StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tbStartDate1.Text);
DateTime EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tbEndDate1.Text);
int WorkerID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlWorker1.Text);
int QueueID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlQueue1.Text);
string Notes = tbNotes1.Text;

DataSet Schedule = QueueSchedulerDB.DB.procUpdateSchedule(ScheduleID, StartDate, EndDate, WorkerID, QueueID, Notes);
Server.Transfer("Scheduler.aspx"); //?StartDate=" + tbStartDate1.ToString("s"));


I tried using a session vairable to hold the date but that didn't work. I also tried sending the Start date through as a URL parameter but that failed.

Any help would be appreciated.



Comment posted by Random Dude with a Big Red Nose and a Tophat. (now with rubber gloves)
13 years ago.
I do this using Session Variable.
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