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Calendar autorefresh?

Asked by jjsabe
14 years ago.

Hi. It is possible to do an autorefresh of the calendarevents automatically every X seconds?

I've createdthe followingjavascript, but when I'm using the application in VS Debug mode, it raises an error very frequently in an script line:var $G=eval("("+$G+")") It seems that I'm missing something

setTimeout(reloadCalendar, 30000);
function reloadCalendar() {
setTimeout(reloadCalendar, 30000);

Comment posted by jjsabe
14 years ago.

Oooops...I've just seen the AutoRefresh properties... sorry

Comment posted by jjsabe
14 years ago.

But the issue continues. I open the page, wait, and after one or two correct refreshes, it begins to fail at the same script code

var $G=eval("("+$G+")")

any idea?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

This sounds strange. I'm not able to reproduce this issue with neither IE or FF.

This code is used to transform the response (which is a JSON string) to an object. You might be able to see the problem if you check the response with Firefox + Firebug.

Anyway, if you have a sample code that reproduces the issue it would help a lot (please send it to then).

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