I've got a DayPilotMonth object with TimeRangeSelectedHandling="JavaScript", but when I click on an empty month cell, no javascript runs, even when TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript is set to a simple alert.
Instead, I get an error "JScript runtime error: 'undefined' is null or not an object" at the following line:
var $04=new DayPilot.Date($c.getDateFromCell($11.from.x,$11.from.y));
Below are the local variable values. "$c" is the undefined object causing the error?
ev {...} DispCEventObj
$c undefined User-defined Type
e undefined User-defined Type
$04 undefined User-defined Type
$v undefined User-defined Type
$u undefined User-defined Type
$11 {...} Object
end undefined User-defined Type
Any other setting that I need to change or is this a bug?