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Exception when calendar in viewtype day

Asked by Robert van Vliet
14 years ago.

Hi, I have a navigator and calendar linked via bound IDs and it works great.

Except when I set the navigator.SelectMode = DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.NavigatorSelectMode.Day and calendar.ViewType = DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.ViewTypeEnum.Day I get the following error when clicking another day on the navigator:

An exception was thrown in the server-side event handler:

System.ArgumentException: Unrecognized ViewTypeEnum value.
by DayPilot.Utils.ViewTypeParser.Parse(String input)
by Daypilot.Web.Ui.DaypilotCalendar.ExecuteEventJson(string ea)
by Daypilot.Web.Ui.DaypilotCalendar.System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(String ea)
by System.Web.UI.Page.PrepareCallback(String callbackControlID)

If the navigator mode remais the same, but calendar viewtype is set to week it works again?

(great control by the way)

Comment posted by Robert van Vliet
14 years ago.

Actually, when I change the viewType of the daypilotcalendar to "Day" in the calendar/default.aspx file of the demo's, I get the same error...

Comment posted by Anonymous
13 years ago.


Comment posted by Robert
13 years ago.

I'm still hoping someone will respond...

Answer posted by Dan Letecky
13 years ago.

Hi Robert,

This was a bug. It's now fixed in the sandbox build (6.3.2231). The fix will be included in 6.3 SP1 release.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

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