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Testing and message for attempt to create new event before current time and date

Asked by JC
12 years ago.

I want to generate a popup (Javascript alert) that tells someone that they are attempting to set an event prior to the current time and date.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

It depends on how you are creating a new event. If it's directly on TimeRangeSelected it could look like this:

TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="check(start, end, resource)"
<script style="text/javascript">
function check(start, end, resource) {
  var now = new DayPilot.Date();
  // var today = now.getDatePart();
  if (end.getTime() < now.getTime()) {
    if (!(confirm('Are you sure that you want to create an event in the past?')) {
  dpc.timeRangeSelected(start, end, resource);
Comment posted by JC
12 years ago.

I am double clicking a free area. As such, there is no start or end

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

The double click event is handled by TimeRangeDoubleClick but otherwise it's the same. The start and end variables will hold the cell start and end, respectively.

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