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Get the resource for the event when calling EventResize

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

I am trying to get the resource for the event that is being resized. I tried adding the resource to the DataTagFields for the events. The resource is added, but when I try and get the resource out of e.Tag, I get an "Index out of range" exception. I have four columns added to the DataTagFields and the resource is the 4th item. From the EventResizeEventArgs, all the Tags are stored in position 0, instead of, in my case, 0 through 3.

Is there a reason they are stored this way. If so is there a different way of getting the resource for the event?

Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
The EventMoveEventArgs has a property for new and old resource. That would be ideal for the resize. Is it possible to add the resource to the EventResizeEventArgs?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
There is a bug introduced in 4.0 SP2 with the new serialization code. It improperly passes Tags collection for regular events (it's working fine for all-day events).
I've fixed it in the code. The fix will be included in DayPilot Pro 4.0 SP4. If you need the fixed build sooner please drop me a note at daypilot @
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Yes, I will add it as well in SP4.
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