Sorry Dan,
i am beginner, and i have to choose one framework.
so Copy fonction
var newEvent = new DayPilot.Event({
start: args.newStart,
end: args.newEnd,
text: "text " + args.e.text(),
// lieu: "lieu " + args.e.lieu(),
status: "A confirmer" ,
paid: "0" ,
resource: args.newResource,
id: DayPilot.guid() // generate random id DayPilot.guid()
var lieu =;
And Paste Funtion
dp.contextMenuSelection = new DayPilot.Menu({items: [
{text:"Paste", onclick: function() {
if (!copied) { alert('You need to copy an event first.'); return; }
var selection = this.source;
var duration = copied.end().getTime() - copied.start().getTime(); // milliseconds
var newEvent = new DayPilot.Event({
start: selection.start,
end: selection.start.addMilliseconds(duration),
text: "Text " + copied.text(),
status: "A confirmer" ,
paid: "0" ,
resource: selection.resource,
id: DayPilot.guid() // generate random id DayPilot.guid()
i have just testing this., but doesn't work.