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End of day not show all hours

Asked by Matthew Trefz
11 years ago.

We have time events that occur outside of the businessEndsHour that will not show.
There are multiple calendars for the day on the page. Each calendar is associated with a individual.

Our settings are:
businessEndsHour = 19
dayEndsHour = 23

We have an event that runs 16:30-22:00. The 16:00-19:00 portion is visible, but the rest is not.

This behavior only happens on the last calendar if there are no other proceeding calendars with events that extend beyond 19:00.

Any help would be greatly appriciated

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

It seems this has the same cause as this issue:

That is, when StartDate is set including the time part the Calendar shifts the day start used for calculations. That's why the issue is random (if you derive the StartDate from DateTime.Now rather than DateTime.Today).

It's now fixed in build 5405:

You can also fix it in the backend by cutting the time part of StartDate:

StartDate = newDate.Date;

Please let me know this it didn't help.

Comment posted by Nickolas
11 years ago.

I am having the similar problem, thank you for your reply, Dan
i'll see what i can do now


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