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Add title header to Month

Asked by Kevin
11 years ago.

I have a DayPilotMonth that I am using for a project of mine. It takes on information in my database based on location and populates the month. The issue I am running into is giving this month a title. In the scheduler there is the ability to stack column headers, but I can't find something like this for the month. So in the month, on top of the days of the week, have another row that can hold a title to the calendar. Is this possible? I've looked everywhere and cant seem to find it. Thanks in advance!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

There is no built-in header but you can add your own:

Comment posted by Kevin
11 years ago.

I have done that, my issue is when it comes to printing. There is no way to print the calendar along with labels in a format that is printable. Using memorystream converted as an image will print the calendar, but not the labels. Ive tried every way possible (40+ hours of research on JUST this issue). The only closest way is to convert the entire page as an image, but it removes the formatting of the calendar.

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