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Month / Scheduler Control hangs IE9

Asked by Richard
12 years ago.

DayPilot 7.1.2730

I have a page which displays a scheduler or month control within a jQuery UI tab page. I am using script to ensure that the tab control fills the available space, and I want the contents of the tab page to scroll if they are too high.

(Adding HeightSpec="Parent100Pct" will work for the scheduler, but not for the month view.)

With DayPilot 6, this was simply a case of adding "overflow:auto" to the ".ui-tabs-panel" selector. With DayPilot 7, this still works in Firefox and Chrome, but causes IE9 to hang with 100% CPU usage when loading the page.

I tried changing this to "overflow-y:auto" or "overflow-y:scroll", but the page still hangs in IE9.

I was eventually able to resolve the problem by removing the "border-bottom-left-radius" and "border-bottom-right-radius" properties from the ".ui-tabs-panel" selector.

Is this a bug in IE9, or did you change something in v7 which would cause this?

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