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Delete Events in DP Month With Recurring Events

Asked by J Nigon
11 years ago.

DP 7.1.2695 DP Month

I'm running into trouble trying to delete events in a Month cal with recurrence support. How can I call a delete/remove function from JavaScript?

Calling Delete from a DP Menu item:
<DayPilot:MenuItem Text="Delete" Action="JavaScript" JavaScript="deletePrompt(e);" Command="open"> </DayPilot:MenuItem>

function deletePrompt(e) {
// alert("Delete Hit");

// Normal event
if (typeof e.recurrent === "undefined") { //e.recurrent doesn't appear to return valid recurrence info; // need valid Monthcal client method here
// Recurrent event
else {
var modal = new DayPilot.Modal(); = 150;
modal.width = 300;
modal.height = 150;
modal.opacity = .9;
modal.border = "10px solid #d0d0d0";
// Also need valid delete method to call from within RecurrentDeleteModal.html

Am I going about this the correct way?


Comment posted by J Nigon
11 years ago.

Perhaps I can distill the question: can anyone suggest how I can delete events from clientside with a modal helper to determine whether the user wants to delete this event or the entire series?

I have implemented recurring events in DP Month, and this is the last outstanding item before implementation!


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