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Scheduler - Display OK Cancel javascript pop-up on Event Click and delete event if OK

Asked by Centreville
16 years ago.


In my scheduler, I would like to display a javascript ok cancel pop up when an event is clicked. If the user clicks on ok, I would like to delete that event. I already have the code to delete the event in Event Click method in code behind but need the ok from javascript pop up before actually executing the sql command. I am using EventClickHandling=Postback and then ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered to display the pop up message. I can't figure out how to pass the value of e back to the EventClick method to continue with the deleting.

I would appreciate any suggestions, Thanks.

Comment posted by Centreville
16 years ago.

This has been resolved. I switched to Javascript on Event Click, passing e to the javascript function, and reading eventArgs in the function. Afterthe popup, if condition is true,I saved that value to a control, and then used button click event to read in that control's value and call the Delete code to finally update the database.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Thanks for posting your solution!

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