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Bug Move Event With IE6

Asked by Emmanuel Benitez
17 years ago.


I'm using v4.1 and IE6.

When I move event in a DayPilot component the others event are not visible.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Hi, I don't see any problem during moving in IE6. Can you send me a screenshot to daypilot @
Comment posted by Sheraz
17 years ago.
I think you are not performing the binding of control once you are done with your addition of an event.
Try doing that.

Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.

I've this same problem while trying the move event. I do bind everything when I've addeda new event, without the bind there would be nothing to move!.. atleast I think so.

Anyways, the problem is that when I move something everything on the calendar goes invisible. If I drag the event to someday that contains other events the events on that day turn visible.

My calendar is currently on a repeater though as that might pose a problem here. Other than this, I don't know.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I think I understand now. It doesn't disappear after move but right after you start the moving. Is that correct?

Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Are you able to describe the steps that reproduce it?

Also: Is it happening with the online demo as well?
Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.

Well. I have a few events on a calendar that are stored in ms sql 2005 and they're loaded to the calendar on while loading the page.

So the events are on the calendar and I start to drag an event to another place, while holding the mouse button down the other events on that calendar turn invisible. They are there though, since when I drag the new event to a day that as events, that days events show up. The events stay invisible until I do a new reload from the sql server.

The online demo works fine though. This is a bit weird. I'll have to review the code a bit, but at the moment don't really know what's the problem.

Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.
Oh, I'm using daypilot 4.2 and ie7.
Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.
I got it to work nicely on firefox, but not on ie7. Your demo version does work with the ie7 though. Weird.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
You are not the only one experiencing this problem. It seems to appear only if you set HeightSpec to Full or BusinessHoursNoScroll. Is that correct?

Since I'm not able to reproduce the bug I would appreciate any hints. Especially if you are able to isolate any specific conditions when it starts to appear.
Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.

Ok. I can confirm that using HeightSpec Full and BusinessHoursNoScroll has the bug.

The other modes work fine.

I was using BusinessHoursNoScroll myself as it suits the implementation. I quess I could use that with scrolling for now until there might be a fix.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Later today I will be releasing a service pack with a few fixes that could influence this issue as well. Please give it a try with this new build and let me know if the problem is still there.
Comment posted by erik
17 years ago.
Same problem seems to persist with the 4.3 sp1 version too.
Answer posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
This bug was fixed in DayPilot Pro 4.9 SP1.
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