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Image Export DayPilot Scheduler

Asked by Valentina
11 years ago.

I am trying to export DayPilot Scheduler, using this code

DayPilotScheduler1.CssOnly = false;
Response.ContentType = "image/png";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=print.png");
MemoryStream img = DayPilotScheduler1.Export(ImageFormat.Png);
DayPilotScheduler1.CssOnly = true;

and the dates in the exported file dont cover all period from DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate to DayPilotScheduler1.EndDate, but only the dates i see on the screen, like printscreen. What can cause this problem?

Thanks in advance,
all comments are very welcome

Answer posted by Valentina
11 years ago.

I've got. The width should be 100% and not expressed in px

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