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Newest DayPilot Pro 7.3.2840.0 Resource calendar does not show events

Asked by Anonymous
10 years ago.

Changing calendar type to Day shows events. Switching it to resource and events are not shown anymore. Both were working fine on previous version.

Answer posted by Andy
10 years ago.

We've discovered the same problem after upgrading to 7.3.

The problem seems to occur in daypilot-calendar.js. If you have access to the source code, you can fix this manually in daypilot-calendar.src.js line 5674

// belongs here
var belongsHere = false;
if (isResourcesView) {
belongsHere = (col.Value === e.Resource) && !(endTicks <= colStartTicks || startTicks >= colEndTicks);

e.Resource should be replaced by e.resource (the JSON returned by the service uses lowercase fields)

Hopefully DayPilot will provide a new release soon that fixes this problem.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.
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