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Set click event

Asked by poupoune
11 years ago.

I have a DayPilotScheduler.Scheduler, with no ClickHandling.
How to set a click on an event, so as the same action raises than an eventMenuClickPostBack ?

In order to test the click event, I tried :
dps1.EventClickJavaScript= function() { alert('Hi there'); };

But no success...
Thanks for help.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

On the server side:

DayPilotScheduler1.EvenClickJavaScript="dps1.eventMenuClickPostBack(e, 'Command')";

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

If you want to do it on the client side, check what HTML/JavaScript this produces. The 5.8 version might use a bit different client-side API, different from the current API described at

Comment posted by poupoune
11 years ago.

Yes, I'd like to do it on client side.

I wish that a click on the dps1.event would raise the same as the dps1.eventMenuClickPostBack function

Comment posted by Anonymous
11 years ago.

Thanks Dan for your patience.
I wonder why dps1.eventClick=function(){alert'test');}; does not work
whereas dps1.eventMenuClickPostBack=function(){alert'test');}; does

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