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Free time selection in Safari

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

I am having issues with Safari. I am using v3.9.1134, and I can't select any freetime
in DayPilotCalendar. Works fine in IE6/7 and FireFox 2, but not in Safari, although
v3.9 is supposed to support this browser.

Is there any particular setting to tweak?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
What version of Safari do you use? DayPilot is only compatible with Safari 2 on MacOS so far. Safari 3 on Windows still doesn't work perfectly.
Comment posted by Justin
14 years ago.

I have a day calendar that doesn't work on safari for Mac, safari for PC, or any browsers on iPad. The calendar should have clickable 15 minute intervals, but there is no action after click on these browsers

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