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DayPilotMonth Calendar

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.

Hi, Can i know does DayPilotMonth works well with ObjectDataSource?
There is a Panel & UpdatePanel in DayPilot month. But modelPopup will only appear if i use SqlDataSource.
When I change it to using ObjectDataSource, the modelpopup doesn't show up at all.

Please advice.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

DayPilotMonth inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl which handles the DataSource processing. DayPilotMonth just reads the supplied items. It doesn't detect the actual DataSource object type. It should work exactly the same way as SqlDataSource.

Anyway, you should check where the ObjectDataSource control is placed - the behavior may be different if it is placed outside of the UpdatePanel.

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