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EventMove is not triggering

Asked by Robin Grogan
10 years ago.

I have followed the basic tutorial and am seeing my events, however, the eventmove handler is not firing when I click on the event.

My control looks like this:

<daypilot:daypilotcalendar id="dpCalendar1" runat="server" DataStartField="eventstart" DataEndField="eventend"
DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id" Days="7" EventMoveHandling="CallBack" OnEventMove="dpCalendar1_EventMove" CssOnly="true"
CssClassPrefix="muted" ClientObjectName="dpc" OnCommand="dpCalendar1_Command" >

And my code behind looks like this.. (I've placed break points in the code and the event isn't firing at all)

protected void dpCalendar1_EventMove(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMoveEventArgs e)
AppBAL CalendarBAL = new AppBAL();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

CalendarBAL.UpdateCalendarItem(e.Value, e.NewStart, e.NewEnd);
CalendarBAL.GetCalendarItems(dpCalendar1.StartDate, dpCalendar1.Days);
dt = CalendarBAL.dtCalendarItems;

dpCalendar1.DataSource = dt;

My initial thought was that the ajax manager loaded on the page was conflicting, so I have removed that reference from the master page, yet the event will still not fire.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Answer posted by Robin Grogan
10 years ago.

This resolved itself with a reboot.

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