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Multiple DayPilotCalendar on single ASP form

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.

Hi All,
I have created a user control for Daypilotcalendar, now in .aspx page i have added single DayPilotnavigator. Now from database i read multiple users and create calendar from user control in single .aspx page. Upto this no issue, now when i changed the date from daypilotnavigator my calendar don't change with the date accordingly it shows the current week calendar. Only the last Calendar get changed as per the selected date range from daypilotnavigator.

Please help me out how to solve the issue.


Comment posted by Richard
10 years ago.

Have you set the ClientObjectName property on the DayPilotCalendar control? If so, this will need to be unique across the entire page. Setting it to a fixed value in a UserControl, and then creating multiple instances of that UserControl, won't work.

Try removing the property from your markup; it should default to the ClientID of the control, which will always be unique.

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