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Prevent refresh of date to today

Asked by Tony
1 month ago.

I have added pagination to the calendar so that if I have say over 10 event on a day at the same time block, it would load 10 at a time and display the first 10 then when the next button is clicked the next 10 are displaced.

The logic works, except when I click the next button the calendar moves from the selected day to today. How can I keep on the selected day and not refresh to today?


Comment posted by Tony
1 month ago.

Any ideas anyone ? using webform aspx .net.

Can’t seem to keep the date in the navigator from resetting to today every time the page refresh the navigator loses the selected day and revert back to today.

Thanks in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

Sorry for the delay!

It looks like you might reset the StartDate value at some point. I recommend checking Page_Load and the <DayPilot:DayPilotNavigator> tag.

It also depends how you refresh the page. DayPilot supports the traditional PostBack and also a faster CallBack method. You should make sure that you don’t mix them. It is also good to know that CallBacks can only change the component that invoked them. If you are not sure, try switching all handlers to PostBack.

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