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Use Daypilot with Framework 3.5

Asked by David
16 years ago.
Dear Dan,

Today I have upgraded my system to visual stuio 2008 and .net framework 3.5.
Everything works o.k except the item edit modalpopup's.
When the item gets updated or the action gets canceled, the daypilot control stays at the loading screen.
Is this a know bug or am i doing something wrong? Of course i called the databind and update methods of daypilot.

If this is a know bug is there a release planned to make it compatible with 3.5?

Thanks in advance!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Hi David,

I've responded by e-mail as well: The .NET Framework 3.5 compabilitiy is now a big priority and I will be focusing on it as soon as 4.3 release is out.
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